Keeler, Wayne Kenneth

Wayne was born November 19, 1948 at Forbes Nursing Home in Hartney, Manitoba.  He had a happy childhood on the Family Farm east of Lauder, Manitoba with his mom and dad,  brother, Wendell and across the road the “third musketeer” his cousin Jeff Keeler(Debbie).   Being fortunate enough to be raised in a close rural community, he was surrounded by loving family, friends and relatives.  Wayne attended grades 1-8 in the small country Lauder School resulting in many lifelong friendships.  After completing grades 9-12 in Hartney Collegiate Institute, Wayne worked in the Bank of Montreal in Carberry for a time.  This was followed by a Physical Education degree at the University of North Dakota and an Education Degree at Brandon University.   He taught for 12 years as a Physical Education teacher and then followed his love of numbers by working for accounting firms in Deloraine, Melita and Virden.

The essence of Wayne was his two main passions:  sports and family.  He started playing ball at Lauder School with Mr. Leo Peloquin, plus area parents, providing the organization and support for the team.  Many happy hours were spent by all attending the games to cheer on the home players.  Wayne also played several other sports—-such as hockey, golf, curling, baseball and orienteering.

Over the years Wayne played with the Lauder Parklanes Fastball Team,  baseball with Grand Clairiere, Souris Junior Cardinals, Souris Cardinals, Grandview Lakers, Riverside Canucks, Deloraine Royals, and Slow Pitch with Manitoba South-West Coyotes and the Roadhaven Park RoadRunner team.

He has been inducted in the Manitoba Baseball Hall of Fame several times—including this year as an assistant coach for the Oil Dome Bantam All Stars 1990 team.

Wayne coached many levels of sports in the community and area, always willing to help those who wanted to be part of a team.  He was a faithful community volunteer.  Wayne was baptized in the Melgund United Church and a member of the Hartney United Church with his last role being Trustee.  Wayne had a quiet but deep faith.  Wayne also belonged to the Hartney Golf Club, the Manitoba Teacher’s Society, and a lifetime member of the Canadian Legion #26 holding many offices in these organizations over the years.  Wayne was the Treasurer for the Manitoba AAA Hockey League from 2001-2004 seasons.

Of course, those who knew Wayne recognized how devoted he was to family and friends.   He was a quiet man, who did a lot more listening than talking—–but loved to swap stories and memories from the past.  Inevitably, his sports and number passions would sometimes draw him away and he would be found watching and taking stats on baseball or hockey games—-often with his boys or nieces and nephews crawling over him when they were young.  Patience and stoicism were traits that Wayne demonstrated over his lifetime.

Wayne is survived by his wife, Audrey, granddaughters Mya and Jane Keeler (daughter-in-law Yas Keeler), daughter-in-law Becky (Derek) Wowchuk, and their son Hunter; brother Wendell (Lynne) Keeler, niece Keri-Lynne (Paul) Bacon:  great -nephew George Bacon and great-niece Frankie Bacon and nephew Kenneth Keeler.  Close cousin Jeff (Debbie): children Brad (Katharine) and son Bren; James (Jessica) and children Bodhi, Dax, and Britain, cousins Janice Scharf and Joan (Doug) Silzer, cousins David (Sue), Mark (Cathy), Tom (Kim) and Paula (Craig).   Cousins Dale (Dorothy), Glen and Bernie Whetter plus cousin Ellen (Robert) Stevenson.  Wayne is also mourned by his sister–in-law Darlynne Smith and brother-in-law Nelson Brown (Anneke) and their families: Kathleen Steele and daughter Nicole; Janice Brown and children Emma and Josh; Karen (Tommy) Tyluk and children Sarah and Sam; David (Lisa) and children Pete, Jack and Henry Brown.   Wayne has been so fortunate to have wonderful cousins, family and friends who have been there to support him over the years.  A genuine word of thanks to Dr. Cram for his on-going patience and care over the years, and the many kindnesses performed by staff from the Souris Prairie Mountain Health area.  Special thanks to Robyn Denbow, the Health Care Workers and Family Management friends who surrounded Wayne with their love and caring , thus enabling him to be at home.

Wayne was predeceased by his sons Robert William Wayne Keeler and Bryan Wayne Kenneth Keeler, father Kenneth William Keeler, mother Marjorie Irene (Couling) Keeler, aunts Rita Clark (Geordie Houck), Dorothy (Clint) Whetter, Doreen (Garry) Scharf,  Freida (Bob) Thompson, cousin Kim Scharf, Father and Mother-in-Law Ruggles William and Rose Ellaine Brown, and nephew-in-law Kenneth William Milton Dobbyn.

An interment will take place on Thursday, July 4, 2024 at the Lauder Cemetery at 12:30 p.m. There will be a time of fellowship at 2:00 p.m. in the Hartney Centennial Center.  All are welcome.

If you wish, donations in Wayne’s memory may be given to:                   Hartney Golf Club , Box  271   Hartney, Manitoba  R0M 0X0,                     Hartney Royal Canadian Legion Branch #26  Box  98   Hartney, Manitoba  R0M 0X0 or to the Lauder Cemetery (Attention Eldon Ramsey)  Box 66   Lauder, Manitoba R0M 1C0.

42 thoughts on “Keeler, Wayne Kenneth”

  1. Our sincerest condolences to Audrey and her extended family. Wayne worked periodically for my dad on the farm at Deleau, then he was my teacher in Hartney School. Dad and Wayne both had their roots in Lauder and always had something to visit about. He will be missed.

  2. Our sincere condolences on the loss of Wayne. He will be sadly missed by many. I will remember him both as a baseball player and coach as well as a friend.

  3. Dear Audrey, so sorry to hear of Wayne’s passing. Our sincere condolences to you and your family.

  4. Oh Audrey I’m so sad to hear this. I have so many fond memories of Wayne teaching me in school. He was such a patient man with all of us kids. He had a kind heart.
    My heartfelt condolences to you.

  5. Audrey I am so sorry for your loss. Wayne was a great guy. I enjoyed working with him for many years. He is remembered at our office for his gentle demeanour and his kindness to everyone. And also for his endless stash of Dad’s cookies!! He will be greatly missed!!

  6. Dear Audrey.
    Deepest condolences in your loss. Wayne was such a great guy, coach, teacher and mentor to me. Many family memories. Always taljed sports with him. He will be greatly missed by all in Hartney and community. Sending love and hugs in your time of sorrow.
    Gail Martin.

  7. Mr. Keeler was a great teacher. I can still hear his keys jingling from his athletism in gym and praying please don’t make us run the nets! Condolences from all the Hicks kids he taught.

  8. So sorry to hear of Wayne’s passing. Our thoughts are with you.

  9. Audrey, Dave and I are sending you and your family our most sincerest condolences. We were shocked to learn of Wayne’s passing. Sadly he’s another of our school classmates that has passed on. So many memories of our school days. Keep your memories close to your heart and Wayne will always be with you. Thinking of you at this time. Take care.

  10. I was so sad and shocked to see this announcement. I’m so sorry Audrey. I remember you telling me how upset he was about my dad’s passing not even 2 months ago.

  11. So sorry for your loss, Audrey. Wayne was a lovely man and I so enjoyed your company in Calgary.

  12. Jack and I would like to pass on our condolences Audrey. Wayne was a great guy and will be missed by one and all that knew him. Your dedicated care giving to Wayne made it possible for him to be at home with you. Keep your fondest memories of Wayne close to your heart. Your memories are yours to keep to guide you through the days ahead.. Even though he is gone, your memory of him will live on. Our thoughts and prayers are with you .

  13. Dear Audrey … my heart is broken and aches for you. Another of my colleagues at then Hartney Collegiate (now Hartney School) is gone. Wayne was man of great integrity who always showed enormous kindness and compassion. He was an excellent athlete and teacher—something he passed on to his sons. As a colleague, I had the greatest respect for Wayne as a teacher and team player and for his friendship. His students respected and worked hard for him. He was active in the community and will be sorely missed. Audrey—may your faith and the love and support of family and friends bring you strength and comfort as you mourn your loss. Treasure all the beautiful memories you made together over the years. You are in my thoughts and prayers as I offer my sincerest condolences …

  14. Our thoughts and prayers are with u Audrey at this very difficult time . Bob has so many ball memories with Wayne ! Wayne was a very kind man to all who knew him !

  15. My deepest condolences Audrey. I remember Wayne as my gym teacher. I always enjoyed visiting with him at functions in Lauder. Sending love and prayers at this difficult time.

  16. So sorry to hear of your loss, Audrey. We are thinking of you in sympathy.

  17. I remember Wayne being one of the ‘younger kids’ when I was in Lauder High School. Our families were all active in the community together, and he will be sorely missed. I want to express condolences to Audrey and family on behalf of the Burgess and Dooley families.

  18. My most sincere condolences to you Audrey Thinking of you at this sad time.


  19. We were saddened to hear of Wayne’s passing! Our deepest thoughts & prayers are with you, Audrey!
    ~Don & Joyce Couling

  20. Audrey. Wayne and I r deeply saddened to have heard of your Wayne’s passing. Cherish your memories. Wayne was a soft spoken person and will be remembered by so many. Always remember his part in keeping the Lauder parklanes ball team going.

  21. I am very sorry for your loss. Mr. Keeler was a kind, encouraging teacher to all. He always applauded your successes!

  22. Dearest Audrey, Our most sincere condolences on the passing of your beloved Wayne. May the many wonderful memories you shared help you through the difficult days as your mourn your loss.

    Penny & Bob Schoonbaert

  23. May God Bless you Audrey! Wayne was an exceptional man,teacher,and community member! My mom always shared conversations she had with Wayne after classes ended! My Dad and Calvin used to play ball with Wayne ! Many memories of a great family! Kelly

  24. Audrey, I am so sorry to hear about Wayne. He was one of my favorite teachers. Many great memories of your family growing up. My thoughts are with you.

  25. Sincere Condolences to Audrey for your loss, Mr Keeler will be well remembered by all he taught in Hartney.

  26. Condolences sent to Audrey, and family.
    We are thinking of you all!
    Sending our deepest condolences.
    Donna Schneider/Ernie Millar
    Kimberley, BC

  27. Condolences to the Keeler family. Great memories of Wayne from the baseball diamonds and hockey rinks in the sixties. A really great fellow.

  28. Thinking of you Audrey and sending our sincere sympathy in the loss of Wayne.

  29. Audrey we were so sorry to hear of Wayne’s passing. Mr K was a great teacher, mentor, coach, and teammate that I really got to know through my school years. Wayne was quiet and soft spoken as an instructor, coach and friend and it was always fun to get a chuckle out of him. Our deepest condolences on your loss.

  30. Thinking of you, Audrey, at such a sad time. Remember and cherish those memories of better times spent together.

  31. Dear Audrey. So saddened to hear of Wayne’s passing. My deepest condolences. May your memories be a bridge to comfort and connect you forever.

  32. My sympathies on Mr. Keeler’s passing. He was a very unassuming person who was a great teacher that always encouraged you no matter what.

  33. Dear Audrey and family,
    We were sorry to read about your husband, Wayne and send our condolences.
    Audrey, I taught with you in Rossburn, MB and have thought of you often and wondered where you had continued teaching.
    Kindest regards,
    Bill and Carol (nee Lewis)Main

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