Revet, Angela Michelle

Angela, 52 years, beloved wife of Gerard; mother of Adam and the late Ryan; daughter of Marvin and Mildred Gebauer; sister of Greg (Elizabeth) Gebauer; passed away in the Health Sciences Centre, Winnipeg, Manitoba, on Sunday, February 18, 2024. Funeral service was held on Saturday, February 24, 2024 at the First Baptist Church, 3881 Park Ave., Brandon, Manitoba. Interment in the Rosewood Cemetery. Donations can be made to CancerCare MB.

23 thoughts on “Revet, Angela Michelle”

  1. What a loss! My deepest sympathies to Marvin and Mildred in the loss of your daughter. May God bless you with peace and comfort in your grief. It’s been a long time since we visited. L

  2. Gerard and Adam. We were shocked and are saddened to hear of Angela’s passing. We offer our sincerest condolences to you and your families. Cherish all your memories. Gisele and Rob Roziere

  3. It is with great sadness to hear this news of Ange passing. My sympathy to both the Revet and Gebauer families.

  4. What an amazing person Angela was. She has made a difference in so many lives. Her beaming personality will continue to live on in our hearts.
    We are saddened to hear of her passing.

    We offer our deepest condolences to the family.

  5. Deep heart felt condolences to you Marven and Mildred. And the rest of the families. Wishing for you Gods love and peace close in your hearts. I didn’t know Ange as an adult but I’m sure she will be so very much missed in your family. Love and prayers. Helen Hildebrand from Winkler

  6. I am saddened to hear of Angela’s passing – she was the best! I enjoyed working with her when I was a prof at BU. She was a bright light. My condolences to all those who loved her.

  7. It was a huge shock to see this! My condolences to the family. Angie was a the friendliest girl with the biggest smile.

  8. Our deepest words of sympathy for the whole family, you are in our thoughts and prayers.
    Alice & Jan Brancewicz
    p.s I worked with Angela at the BU Library, she also was students of Jan’s at BU

  9. Sad to hear cuz – deepest sympathy. Mom let me know this morning – she was pretty shook. My thoughts are with you both. Too young – way too young

  10. My condolences to Gerard and Adam for the loss of Angela. It was so sad to hear of her passing. I worked with Ang at Brandon University, she was always positive and so much fun to work with. She will stay in my memory.
    Angie Desmarais.

  11. Mildred & Marvin
    Although it has been a very long time since we have seen each other my heart breaks for you & your devastating loss. May our dear Lord wrap his arms around you & take care of you . Blessings Chris Jaska

  12. I offer condolences to the members of your family. Angela was so useful to us.

  13. My sincere condolences Gerard ,Adam and the Gebauer family
    May your many cherished memories help bring you peace and comfort through the difficult days ahead.

  14. Marvin, Mildred and family.
    Our heart breaks for you, deepest condolences.
    Stay strong , may your faith carry you through this sad time.
    Love Larry and Eileen

  15. Our hearts are heavy withthe passing of our friend .
    Prayers to you both and may you feel the peace of Gods love that passes all understanding.
    Love from Eleanor and Albert.

  16. Mildred, Marvin, and family,

    Wishing you comfort and peace to face the days ahead and loving memories to hold in your heart. Be touched by the love left behind, and know that I’m thinking of you at this difficult time.

    With my deepest sympathy,

    Grace Alouani, Vancouver Island

  17. Mildred Marvin and family.

    My deepest sympathies. I cannot find the words for this. Ang’s positiveness touched so many and left a lasting impression to so many. I hope you can find some strength to get through this. My thoughts are with you guys.

  18. My deepest condolences Gerard and Adam. I am so very sorry for Anges passing.

  19. Mildred and Marvin..I am in shock and so saddened about Angela’s passing. We have shared many things over the years in our letters but none as tragic as this. I know she is with Ryan . We are all the better because we knew her. We have always treasured your friendship and look forward to seeing you soon. Our sincerest condolences to you and your family. Love John and Betty

  20. My Dear Mildred and Family, Gary just read of your daughter’s passing this morning and I feel such saddness for you. To lose a precious daughter is beyond imaging. I remember good times in Elgin and some not so good. I never met your Girl but learned a lot about her when you and Marvin were doing our draperies. I remember visiting with you and Emily when you were out shopping with her. You were a great daughter and I’m sure an even greater mom. Our thoughts go out to both you and Marvin. Our most sincere sympathy, Gary and Vonda Cranswick ( Cochrane)

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